Machines VS Free Weights For Muscle Building
Nicole Hilderbrandt Nicole Hilderbrandt

Machines VS Free Weights For Muscle Building

Ahhhh…one of the classic debates in muscle building. Many old school lifters will tell you free weights are the most effective way to build muscle, while more recent generations have begun to embrace more machine-based training. So…which method is better for putting that muscle on? Let’s take a look at what the science says…

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What is the best rep range for building muscle?
Nicole Hilderbrandt Nicole Hilderbrandt

What is the best rep range for building muscle?

It means you can build muscle at nearly any rep range! If your main goal is building muscle, there is no need to go very heavy, you can get similar, if not better, results using moderate to low weights. Your main takeaway is that you need to take the muscle to failure, or near failure to cause a hypertrophy response.

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Stiff VS Deadlift Bar
Nicole Hilderbrandt Nicole Hilderbrandt

Stiff VS Deadlift Bar

While it might not even be a thought to many lifters, especially if you are just starting out, there are many different types of barbells to use. Each one has a specific purpose, and are designed to be used with certain exercises.

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Nordic Curls
Nicole Hilderbrandt Nicole Hilderbrandt

Nordic Curls

The benefits of incorporating Nordic Curls into your leg days

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Rest Intervals
Nicole Hilderbrandt Nicole Hilderbrandt

Rest Intervals

“How long should my rest times be?”  This is a question I constantly hear, and with all the information out there, much of it which contradicts each other, the confusion is well warranted. 

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